Privacy Policy

We understand that as a visitor to our website, you may be concerned about your privacy and about any information that we gain about you online. We are committed to protecting your privacy and to complying with the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand). The following terms tell you how information about you is treated as you access and interact with this website.
If you visit an area of the website where you are not required to log on, to read, browse or download information, our system will record the date and time of your visit to our site, the pages viewed and any information downloaded. However, our system will not record any personally identifiable information about you without your consent.
If you complete an online form on our website, the information that you enter on that form will only be collected if you actually submit the form to us. If you change your mind and do not submit the information, any information you have entered up to that point will not be collected by our system and will be discarded (note that if your browser has an “auto complete” function, it might automatically fill in the form again the next time you visit that page).
If you provide us with personal information about you, you should advise us if the information changes, so we can update our records. You can either update it online or via Contact Us. We may contact you from time to time to check that information we hold is still accurate.
The personal information that we collect about you is stored on our database server managed by ATE (NZ) Limited in Auckland, New Zealand, and its collection, storage, use and disclosure is governed by the terms of the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993. Under the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand), you have certain rights to access and request correction of your personal information held by us.
If you have a dispute with us or want to know more about privacy issues in New Zealand, we encourage you to visit the New Zealand Office of The Privacy Commissioner’s website at